Ini Jawaban Komplain Saya Dari Octa Air SmartTV123

Ketika menerima kiriman 1 paket antena Octa Air, lalu langsung saya coba dan hasilnya ternyata biasa saja. Sangat mengecewakan jika di hargai Rp500an ribu. Tidak seperti yang di gembar gemborkan itu yang katanya dapat menerima siaran TV berbayar, tidak adanya kontrak bulanan, semuaya gratis. Antena Octa Air ini tak lebih dari antena murahan, bahkan kualitasnya sama dengan antena UHF yang di jual di toko alat elektronik seharga Rp20rb. Tertipu...!!!

Lalu saya komplen degan cara mengirim email ke penjual yang intinya paket Octa Air yang saya terima itu benar ataukah sudah ditukar dengan yang palsu? ternyata jawabannya Antena Octa Air ini bartangnya benar sesuai dengan yang di Iklanklan itu, mengenai kualitas gambar dan penerimaan jumlah channel tergantung daerah masing masing dan ia mengakui bahwa hanya channel yang terbuka aksesnya (tidak di enkrepsi) sehingga yang kita terima siaran TV lokal saja. Inilah email yang saya kirimkan ke

Komplain Saya Dari Octa Air SmartTV123

Hello, Orders Octa Air Antenna has arrived, but it does not seem the same as the ads on the official site as ..
1. On the front of the antenna, there is no Octa Air logo. Is this true?
2. In addition to antenna plugs, there is a USB port. If the official website does not have USB plugs, is this true?
3. Just know if Octa Air is a Chinese product, is it true?
4. Once installed and scanned, can not capture premium TV channels. There are only local broadcasts, like regular antennas. And the picture quality is bad broadcast.

I assume the Octa Air antenna is fake or may have been in exchange? as evidence below there is a picture of OctaAir that has been received.
I wait for your answer. if the product I received is correct, then octaAir is not suitable in Indonesia. Maybe only in this octaAir manufacturer country.
If it has been in fake, what should I do to get the original? thank you for your answer.
From Wakidi in Bandung, West Java, Indonesian.

Jawaban Komplain Pihak Octa Air

Pelanggan yang terhormat,
"Thank you for your email.
OctaAir is just a digital antenna that will capture only open channels in the area. The channel line up depends of what channels are available in your area.
Suggestion: Redo the channel scanning on your TV and make sure you are selecting the Digital Antenna option when doing the scanning.
We appreciate your business and look forward to resolving your concerns."

Banyak Terima kasih,

Pelanggan yang terhormat,
Bad reception is not a sign the unit is defective. It might be caused by the customer's location. The antenna has a maximum range of 50 km and it the signal is weak in the area, they may not have good reception.

Please be reminded that OctaAir is just a digital antenna that will capture only open channels in the area.The channel line up depends of what channels are available in their area, it has nothing to do with the antenna

itself. If the customer complains about reception, I would advise them to redo the channel scanning on their TV and make sure they are selecting the Digital Antenna option when doing the scanning.

And OctaAir is compatible with any TVs that have ANT IN connection. It does not have anything to do with the TV being a Smart TV or not.

Banyak Terima kasih,

2 Responses to "Ini Jawaban Komplain Saya Dari Octa Air SmartTV123"

  1. Berarti tai yaa ini... hahahaha...

  2. kencing saja bayar , masih cari siaran tv kabel gratis...pakailah akal yang sudah diberi gratis dari Tuhan...


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